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MAY Bag by Loewe Captura de ecr   2011 05 04 15

MAY Bag by Loewe

MAY Bag by Loewe Captura de ecr   2011 05 04 15

A pendulum, postcards, coloured stones, penguins, insulating tape or a rabbit’s tale. The things that lurk behind a zip talk and say a lot a about the life and the way of being of their protagonists. Invaded by a voyeuristic spirit, Yo Dona sneaks into the handbags of Rossy de Palma, Edurne Pasaban, Bimba Bosé, Eva Yerbabuena, Maribel Verdú and Blanca Suárez. A luxury of an excuse: to get to know Loewe’s  new “May Bag” collection.

MAY Bag by Loewe Captura de ecr   2011 05 04 17

MAY Bag by Loewe Captura de ecr   2011 05 04 17




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